
Monday, July 1, 2013

UFO day at guild

There were five Saturdays in June so we had an extra guild day, our UFO day, but some of us played instead. I took in all my crayons, pens and fabric paint and we did rubbings, stencils and stamps. Look at the wonderful work we all produced!

Shona made her own stencil using freezer paper. We had some stencils I had made, some commercial Christmas and bug stencils and Helen brought in stencils she had bought from Lisa Walton. They are lovely, such delicate detail!

Suzanne, do you recognise your stamps?

Some us made a second piece with a wash of fabric paint over the wax crayon. I didn't get a photo of them but they looked great too. Their challenge is to chop up their fabrics and piece them into something. My challenge is to finish the tablecloth that I started almost a year ago!


  1. Stencils are so much fun and I can see some really beautiful ones in the mix there. Hope you get your tablecloth finished!

  2. Yip - I do recognise a few of those... they look so much better than anything I ever did with them!


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