
Saturday, July 27, 2013

ATCs from fabric paper/paper fabric

Oh, what fun I've had with the arty farty group. We made fabric paper - or is it paper fabric? Then we turned them into artist trading cards.

The beginnings of my edition called 'Spring'. There will be 12 in this edition.

I made this by separating the 3-ply layers of pretty serviettes and glueing the top layer to fabric. I also added bits of text torn out of an old book, music or bits of old patterns or tissue. Then I painted it all with a thin wash of purple, added some Angelina fibres, couched some perle cotton, a bit of stencilling with sequin waste and added some washi tape.

I've got lots of them!

The next stage is to stitch it to felt and stiffener and then add the embellishments. My embellishment box has grown! I said I wasn't going to get into scrapbooking as my craft hoarding was enough of a problem already. These ATCs have let all that scrapbooking stuff sneak in by the back door! But it's fun and aren't those resin flowers cute?

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Guild BOM

Counties Manukau block of the month was really cute last month. I hadn't even started it by the meeting date so no chance of me winning them! I really liked it so I made one anyway.

My friend Raewyn won them. Here's the rest. It's going to be a fabby quilt!

Amigurumi gecko

The first week of the school holidays has been a wash-out for me. I bruised my leg falling out of the bath about four weeks ago and the bruise turned nasty. It turned out to be cellulitis and I've had to sit with my leg elevated for a whole week - plus a couple of doses of intravenous antibiotics. Not fun but at least I had a chance to try a new hobby. Here is my first amigurumi toy, a gecko.

And here is a shot before he got his sequins.
 I think I need to work on my tension and also I read somewhere that you can do invisible increase/decrease stitches so you don't get holes and bumps. This is 8-ply acrylic on a 4.5mm hook. Mark II will be an improvement!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Silk painting with Lois

June was a busy month but no finishes!

I took a silk painting class with Lois from the Quilt Shop in Papamoa. Lois provides everything, including the design and also took our silk paintings away with her and steam set them for us. A great class if you want to try out a silk painting.

This was my first painting.

And then I got a little bolder. I prefer this one.

I'm going to put them on interfacing and quilt them. Then I don't know what I'm going to do with them! Start an Etsy shop maybe!!

Monday, July 1, 2013

UFO day at guild

There were five Saturdays in June so we had an extra guild day, our UFO day, but some of us played instead. I took in all my crayons, pens and fabric paint and we did rubbings, stencils and stamps. Look at the wonderful work we all produced!

Shona made her own stencil using freezer paper. We had some stencils I had made, some commercial Christmas and bug stencils and Helen brought in stencils she had bought from Lisa Walton. They are lovely, such delicate detail!

Suzanne, do you recognise your stamps?

Some us made a second piece with a wash of fabric paint over the wax crayon. I didn't get a photo of them but they looked great too. Their challenge is to chop up their fabrics and piece them into something. My challenge is to finish the tablecloth that I started almost a year ago!