
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Charity Challenge quilt

I said I wasn't going to start any new projects but I've done it again - deadlines dictated that a new project had to be done!

The Counties Manukau guild show is on in a couple of weeks and our challenge was to do a quilt representing a charity. The quilts are then going to be given to the respective charities. I chose to do one for the hospice but didn't even start by hand-in day. Unfortunately there weren't many challenge quilts so I decided to do my idea anyway. I reasoned to myself that it wouldn't take long. Ever the optimist!

Here's where I've got to so far. It's the stylised kowhai flowers from the hospice logo. I only have one more row of green/blue strips to sew on and then quilting and binding. To keep it simple, I'm going to quilt feathers all over it rather than do separate things on the flowers, sashing, borders and background. I don't think that will detract from the design. What do you think?

I've also made a small confetti quilt but I think it needs more.
That tree in the centre is too chunky so I need to cover it up. I like the canopy of leaves but the undergrowth hasn't really worked. I tried to get a feeling of depth by putting lighter fabrics at the top and paler tree trunks for trees that are further away. I don't think that worked. I'm going to add more foreground and possibly put a deer over the fat tree.

Are you a Google Reader user? If so, have you decided what to use when it goes? One blogger I follow recommended bloglovin but I've been subjected to porn in my feed twice now so I wouldn't recommend that!  The first time I told them about it. The second time was time to get rid of it!  I tried Feedly but the app for iPad has a few bugs. Any other recommendations?


  1. Hi :) that kowhai quilt looks awesome! Where and when does the counties Manukau guild meet? .. Btw, I'm on android and have settled for freely after trying a few readers, its a shame the iPad version is a bit buggy .. Love the trees quilt to, the centre tree is fine :) it's like the central feature, it makes it look a bit closer, gives some extra depth.

    1. Thanks for your kind comments and I will give feedly another go. Our guild meets every second Saturday in Papakura. I'll email you with further details. Our show is on in May so no meeting this month but do come along to the show, Sat and Sun 11th and 12th at the Paptoetoe town hall.


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