
Sunday, January 8, 2012

My Blogger's Choice Fat Quarter Bundle

Laura from Quokka Quilts is holding a competition where you can choose your own Blogger's Choice Fat Quarter Bundle. You have until the 15th January to get your entry in. It's shopping without shopping! But I love my selection so much I may have to buy it!!

My selection is based around that gorgeous paisley fabric from Amy Butler. I love the soft teal of the background and the punchiness (oh, just invented a word!) of the pink. Then the whole thing is brightened with yellow making an old-fashioned pattern very modern looking.

To make my selection, I start by analysing the colours in the main fabric. I take the image into Paint (the one that comes on all Windows computers) and use the colour picker to pick out the colours. I gave a talk on colour theory at our guild and demonstrated this to a couple of women. This is something I used to show my students when I was teaching web design but it's pretty useful for quilting too.
Then I use Jinny Beyer's colour theory to pick my coordinating fabrics. This video explains it, complete with some resounding and over-emotional violins (Why??). Her theory, in case I have put you off the video but I still recommend you watch it, is to take one colour and go darker (brown in my case), another colour and go brighter (I chose pink) and another colour and go lighter (my pales are pink and green). I ended up not choosing a fabric in the leaf green in the middle top row but the pink print I chose has green circles so it fits in nicely.

Have a go. It's fun!

The SKU codes are, starting from the top left:
First row:
Second row:
Third row:
Fourth row:
Fifth row:
Mimosa-4-LIGHT PINK-450


  1. So what would you make with such luscious fabrics? I don't have enough patience to put together collections online... I just like the "add to cart" button.

  2. I don't know what I'd do. Probably just fondle and caress and look at it adoringly!

    I don't normally have the patience to shop online either but I'm bored. It's been raining so much here that the rain has knocked out my TV. So no TV until Tuesday when the Sky guy comes, all the relatives have gone home, my sewing machine goes in for a service tomorrow. All I need now is to lose my internet and I'll really be bored! Just housework to do - and that's a last resort!

  3. I ADORE that selection!!! Seeing this, I think I might re-think how I made my color selections ;)!


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