
Saturday, October 1, 2011

I made the hand-in time!

Last minute - as usual! I was manning one of the hand-in desks and sewing a velcro strip on the back of my quilt at the same time. I ended up being on the busiest desk too. I can tell you that in the amateur wallhangings section alone in Calico Christmas this year there are 60 quilts! Fortunately some of the other ladies wrote some of the receipts for me, one lady even did a bit of my sewing when I was inundated with quilts. What a lovely bunch of people!

Anyway, with all the last minute work, I never took a photo of the finished quilt! Sorry to those of you who were eagerly awaiting the unveiling (and thank you for the lovely comments). I didn't do this on purpose - honest! I can show you a couple of pieces joined together. The rest will have to wait until I can photograph the quilt in the show.

Details of the the quilt show here.

Other news, Leah has posted the winners of the Transformation Challenge. My little quilt wasn't a winner but I can see why. Mine was very different to the other quilts and would have stuck out like a sore thumb. I didn't think of that when I designed it. Never mind, it means I get it back - and one of Leah's books too. I'm happy about that.


  1. So now I'm going to have to go to Calico Christmas just to check out your quilt!! Well done for getting it in in time. And I'm thinking of buying one of Leah's books - let us know how it is.

  2. Hi Rona, Thanks for your comment. Funny thing being part of a quilt-along like this one, is that although we all follow the same basic idea... each quilt is unique. So is it really my idea/design? I'm quite happy to lend my children to you... bearing in mind that it's the last week of the holidays... :)


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