
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hand in date for the quilt show

Yesterday was the hand in date for the Counties Manukau Quilters Guild show and I didn't have either of my wallhangings finished. Fortunately we are meeting on the 30th and the show is on the 14th and 15th May so I have a little bit more time.

I was up to 3am putting the border on the gecko quilt and putting a hanging sleeve on the quilt I made for Melanie. This is the quilt I've used in the background of my blog and I still don't have a proper photo of it. Hopefully I'll get a good one when it's hanging up at the show. It's so difficult to take a good photo of bed quilts unless they are hanging up.

Here is Melanie with her quilt.

I machine sew all my quilts but this one is hand sewn. It took about 9 years to complete - not 9 years of solid work but picking up and putting down for long spells. I love it. The best compliment I had for this quilt was, 'I don't like bright quilts but I love this one!"
This was from a friend who does the most beautiful traditional quilts in muted tones, stunning workmanship and lovely colour combinations. High praise indeed!

1 comment:

  1. Our local quilt show is simply turn up on set-up-day with whatever you want to show... but still meant that my list of projects that I wanted to include needed to be pared back to what I could actually finish in about three days... and even then still handstitched binding down late into the night... must remember next year to get my a-into-g much earlier! Love your quilt, and hasn't the gecko progressed nicely!


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