
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I've moved!

I've moved and I'm back in communication with the world, or more specifically, the corner of the world where my daughter lives. She only checks my blog about 10 times a day! I think someone misses their mummy. :P

This is the view from my deck. As you can see it is a bit wild over the wall and probably full of rodents.  My neighbour feeds seven stray cats so I'm hoping they keep the vermin population down. One of the cats walked past as I took this photo.

It's a lovely place to sit and sew the binding on a quilt.

And this is just to make you smile. Look at the coffee I was served yesterday! haha

1 comment:

  1. Oj, pyszna kawka!
    Widok z okna jest przepiękny. Koty kocham. I mogła bym siedzieć na tym tarasie całą wieczność. I oczywiście szyć kołdry!
    Pozdrawiam serdecznie!

    Oh, delicious coffee!
    The view from the window is beautiful. I love cats. And I could sit on the terrace forever. And of course, to sew quilts!
    Best wishes!


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