
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Forgotten treasure

Melanie is home from overseas and finding all sorts of forgotten treasure in her stored boxes.

I sent her this to put on the back of a world quilt she was making. Wouldn't this make a great block-of-the-month project?

And this weta was to remind her of home. I don't know why I thought that was a good thing to remind her about but it was the first bit of machine embroidery I had ever done. I had made stylised flowers before but never anything from a drawing or photo. The bobbin is there to give an idea of the size.

I've been in Australia for my holidays. Mum and I went over to Brisbane to see the Queensland Ballet perform Romeo and Juliet. Then Mum went home and I carried on up to Townsville to visit my good friend Issy. Then down to Sydney to see Becky (my other daughter), just in time for the Sydney Craft and Quilt Show. I met Mollie Sparkles and Lisa Walton, both lovely people but then aren't all quilters lovely!

I came back with airplane germs so no work has been done on my project this holidays and the weekend looks like it's filling up. Here's a bit of it anyway.