
Friday, October 4, 2013

Inspiration Station has started

Would you believe that I haven't touched my sewing machine for over a month! I never thought that would happen... But it has. :(

I've been living vicariously through my daughter, Mel, and her new business venture, Inspiration Station. She has started a craft school in Doha, Qatar, so I can only participate by looking at photos. Here is a selection.

This is a quilled monogram made by one of her students.

You can see more about the school on her blog, or find them on Facebook.

Other things keeping me busy or keeping me from sewing, I have a new hobby. I've joined a Sweet Adelines chorus. It's great fun but hard work too. We had a coaching session one Saturday, singing from 9 til 5!

When I've not been singing or working, I've been sitting with my leg up. It is now four months since I fell getting out the shower and bruised my shin on the edge of the bath, and three months that I've been on antibiotics for the resulting cellulitis. I read a statistic (in one of the maths textbooks of all places!) that the risk of getting cellulitis is almost four times more likely in the Maori and Pacifica population in South Auckland than in other populations in New Zealand. Now I may live in South Auckland but I'm a pasty white Scottish woman! Must be something in the water -or the air! There certainly is a lot of it about.

First week of the holidays almost over and I've been busy helping my other daughter, Becky, get ready to move to Sydney. She leaves on Sunday. Very sad face :(( but happy that they are going to have an adventure. I'll really have an empty nest by next week. Nothing to do but sew... And mark assessments... And write reports!