
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Cot quilt - modern quilting style

Our guild had Robyn from Auckland Modern Quilt Guild run a class on modern quilting for us yesterday.  It was a lovely day, many beautiful quilts being produced and we are all better informed about the modern quilt movement now. Thanks Robyn for a great day!

I managed to produce this.

It's meant to be a rectangular cot quilt but it's missing a row. I mis-cut one cross block and another block got buried under scraps so I didn't notice until someone pointed out that it was square and not rectangular! 

The fact that I got this far was no mean feat. My organisational skills let me down somewhat. I knew that they were changing the locks on the doors and thought I had that all organised but somewhere some wires were crossed. I couldn't even remember who was going to open the door. All I knew was that I had had a conversation with someone and it was all ok. Wrong! So I arrived to a locked door, Robyn and a couple of people waiting. I'd forgotten my phone. Another person had no credit on her phone. The next person had a phone and credit - then we realised that none of us had Jo's number! So I drove home, phoned Jo, got hold of the other keyholder and went back to class. We are now running very late. Robyn took it all in her stride and we got started. 

I cut out my fabric, went to set up my sewing machine and realised that I had left my foot pedal at home. Drove back home, picked up the foot pedal and some lunch (which I had also forgotten) and my iron. Got back to class and worked like crazy to catch up. So you see, I did well! I think I'm going to add another 4 rows and make it a small single bed quilt.

Here's a close-up of my yummy fabric

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Collage background

I haven\'t been doing a lot recently but here is a recent project, the background for a collage.